Showing only posts tagged python. Show all posts.

Multi-line statements with PLY

I've been experimenting with PLY and was encountering an obscure error that was surprisingly Google-resistant. I've been building up a language and a REPL to interpret commands. When trying to parse a statement spanning multiple lines, I would get an error {TypeError}Can't convert 'type' object to str implicitly. Debugging …

Pypeline update

I've pushed some changes to the pypeline repository, adding basic stacking functionality. There isn't any registration, it only takes the median of each channel (R, G, B) for each pixel. It's currently way slow, but I suspect there is substantial room for improvement there. Wrangling NEF files has proven more …

Setting up Python 3 and pillow

I'm using Linux Mint 15 ("Olivia") for my pypeline development - and ran into a little difficulty right off the bat getting pillow installed. Virtualenv and Virtualenvwrapper are pretty much a must-have if you're developing multiple projects, and pip install pillow was failing with messages like Python.h: No such file …

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