Summing an array in SQLite

Say you have a table with an array column in SQLite, and want to calculate the sum of that array for each row. Suppose your table is named my_data in SQLite and looks like:

id  |   my_list
1   | [ 1, 2, 3 ]
2   | [ 4, 5, 6 ]
3   | [ 7, 8, 9 ]

You can sum up the values in the my_list column via the following SQL:

select, sum(t2.value) from my_list as t1 join json_each((select my_list from my_data where id = as t2 group by id order by id;

It should return the following:

1 | 6
2 | 15
3 | 24

Hope it saves you some time.