Showing only posts by Ryan. Show all posts.

Project consolidation

As part of my ongoing effort to consolidate my various projects onto, I have moved the rowing weather app to Eventually I hope to get some interactive form of pypeline online as well. I am not sure yet what form that might take. Because RAWs …

Posted by Ryan on in misc.

Setting up Python 3 and pillow

I'm using Linux Mint 15 ("Olivia") for my pypeline development - and ran into a little difficulty right off the bat getting pillow installed. Virtualenv and Virtualenvwrapper are pretty much a must-have if you're developing multiple projects, and pip install pillow was failing with messages like Python.h: No such file …

"Night 2: the big dipper"

With one set of exposures under my belt, I adjusted my camera settings a little and tried my hand again. As luck would have it, my window framed the big dipper quite nicely, so I set up in front of that and let it rip.

  • 51 light frames
  • f/3 …

First light from the Nikon

Well, sort of. This is my first attempt at any sort of serious astrophotography. I wasn't aiming for anything in particular, I just wanted to get a feel for my camera. The conditions were subpar to say the least: it was a mildly cloudy night, and I'm near a metropolitan …

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